Rheumatology Research Center (RRC) and Rheumatry members actively participated
in the2nd International Conference on Disease Registry & Health
outcome. Besides, Dr Jamshidi and Dr Mahmoudi lectured about Rheumatry in this
Rheumatology Research Center (RRC) and Rheumatry members actively participated
in the2nd International Conference on Disease Registry & Health
outcome. Besides, Dr Jamshidi and Dr Mahmoudi lectured about Rheumatry in this
We hereby inform you that a workshop meeting was held about
Rheumatry web-based software for rheumatology professors of Tehran University
of Medical Sciences (TUMS) at Rheumatology Research Center (RRC) on 9th
October 2018.
Rheumatry began its
collaboration with Arak University of Medical Sciences (AUMS) in the field of Rheumatoid
Arthritis (RA) disease and a workshop registry meeting was held for AUMS at Rheumatology
Research Center (RRC) on 8th October 2018.
A workshop meeting was held about Rheumatry web-based
software for rheumatology professors of Rheumatology Research Center (RRC) on
25th September 2018 in the conference hall of RRC.
We hereby
inform you that The Fourth Annual Seminar of Rheumatology Memorial of Professor
Mohammad Shafizadeh was be held on Thursday, 10th of May, 2018 at Building
of National Documents Archive in Kousha street.
hereby inform you that Rheumatry meeting concerning SLE registry
form will be held on Wednesday, 14th of March, 2018 at 7:45 A.M. at the conference
hall of Rheumatology Research Center.